Rails World 2023 was an amazing conference. It was my first Rails conference ever and I couldn’t be more excited about it with such lineup of speakers. Everything was so well organized, the venue was great, the food was delicious, and the sponsor booths were nicely set up.

Rails World Venue

The conference kicked off with a keynote by DHH where he talked about the future of Rails and new tools like Strada, Kamal, Solid Cache, Solid Queue and Turbo 8. I’m personally very excited about these new tools and eager to try them out to see how they can help me build better Rails applications.

Rails World Venue

After the keynote, followed a series of talks where the speakers shared their knowledge and dug deep into specific topics. Jay Ohms talked about Strada and how it can help you build better Turbo Native apps by bridging the gap between the web and native worlds and leveraging Stimulus.

Jorge Manrubia talked about Turbo 8 and specially about morphing, which is a new feature that allows you to do smoother page updates and also simplifies the broadcasting system.

There were many more amazing talks by incredible speakers that I really enjoyed and learned a lot from. The Rails Core AMA session was also very exciting and fun. Finally, thanks to Amanda Perino, The Rails Foundation, contributors, sponsors, and everyone else involved for making this conference an amazing one.

Rails World Venue

I’m looking forward to Rails World 2024 in Toronto!